Sunday, September 21, 2014

Jenkins and Groovy - ERP data quality and validation

Many organizations have an ERP and they may manage large amounts of data.  I won't bother debating the tradeoffs of commercial ERP systems but I want to mention some ways I am dealing with certain data issues.

Our ERP is one that has some pretty old roots (and they show their grey) - with the changes in technology, schema, functionality, etc there are plenty of issues in data validation by the system.  Each new vendor maintenance release is like rolling the dice in regards to what validations change (for better or worse).  On top of that, the vendor process for major upgrades doesn't really handle conversion and/or reporting of some data and it is usually tables which really need extra work.  There are also business process and training issues within the distributed organization.  All of this results in many data messes.

Data issues on their own are bad enough but the way the problems tend to manifest for us provide a very bad experience for our customers.  In our case, the vendor technology manages data in a way where some data which is not actively being used (i.e. by an end user) is still operated on and validated as part of some transaction.  The problem is that when the actively used/accessed data is saved, the system also performs validations on the non-actively used data.  If that non-actively used data is invalid then the system throws a tantrum which usually has no useful message for the end-user since the data at fault is not in anyway related to what they did.  This is especially true when you have a custom application accessing the system - useful error responses from the source system are a rarity.

So what do you do?

I am slowly putting Jenkins jobs which perform checks and validations for some of the common problems.  I write the jobs to identify bad data, form a report of some sort and email it to particular users whom I hope are able to direct it to an appropriate person for correction/mitigation, etc.

The solution I am documenting here is the use of Jenkins with Groovy using JDBC to perform a check, report generation and emailing of any failure result.

I am modifying things somewhat to take organization identifying type information out.

import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
import javax.naming.*
import javax.sql.DataSource
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage
import javax.mail.*
import javax.activation.*
import groovy.sql.Sql
import static java.util.Calendar.*
class PlanValidations

    // Produce a connection to the database
    def connect()
          Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
          DataSource sqlDS = initCtx.lookup("jdbc/connid");
          def sql = new groovy.sql.Sql(sqlDS);
          return sql;

        // An array to contain the column names returned by the query
    def colnames = []
    def checkPlanInactivation(sql)
            // The query is looking for a misconfiguration which is typically a failure to follow the proper business process.
            // The correct process for disabling the data item is add a new row with a current effective date which states which
            //  period the data should be disabled starting at.  The query finds each max effective item plus several "lagging" fields for which an outer query compares to determine if the proper setup was used.
      def badInactivePlanSQL = "
    LAG(LAST_PERIOD, 1, ' ')
    LAG(eff_status, 1, ' ')
    LAG(effdt, 1, NULL)
AND prev_eff_status = 'A'
AND prev_PERIOD = ' '
AND EFFDT           > SYSDATE 

         // This will be a map of lists  {inst -> [rows]}
      def institutionBadSetup = [:].withDefault {[]} 
                  // keep track of the column names returned by the query
         { meta ->
           (1..meta.columnCount).each { colnames << meta.getColumnName( it ).toLowerCase() }
                 // save off the bad data by institution
             institutionBadSetup[it.INSTITUTION] << it.toRowResult()
      return institutionBadSetup

    def doChkInactivations()
         def conn = connect();        
         def invalidPlanSetups = checkPlanInactivation(conn)
                   // take all the results and send off an enail per institution
         invalidPlanSetups.each() {
           institution, lst -> sendEmail(getEmailTo(institution, conn), getSubject(institution), getMsg(institution, lst))

        //  Produce an html message with description of problem, related data and hints at fixing.
    def getMsg(institutionId, plans)
       def html = """\
         There is a problem with the setup of following plans for $institutionId.<br/><br/> 
          *** Provide a message here which describes the problem and provides help in correcting. ***
            // use the saved off column names and match up with the field data while constructing the simple report
       plans.each() { plan ->
          (0..colnames.size()-1).each {
            println plan.PLAN + " " + it
            html += "${colnames[it]}[${plan[it]}] "
         html +="<br/><br/>"
       html += """\
        return html
    // Produce a subject for the email
    def getSubject(institutionId)
      def env = System.getenv()
      String environ = env['ENV_TYPE']
      String hostname = env['HOSTNAME']
      return "invalid INACTIVE plan setup - institution(${institutionId}) <system name>(${environ}) server(${hostname})"
      // Use an existing table of users to provide i
      def getEmailTo(institutionId, sql)
      // hard coded a user [me] as email "to" during R&D
      def emailSql = "select '' as cntct_eml from inst_misc where institution = '${institutionId}'"
      def emailAdr = sql.firstRow(emailSql)
      return emailAdr.vx_oa_admcntct_eml
    def sendEmail(receiver_email, email_subject, msgtext)
        def reportdt = String.format('%tY/%<tm/%<td  %<tH:%<tM:%<tS', Calendar.instance);       
        println "$msgtext";

        Properties mprops = new Properties();
        mprops.setProperty("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
        mprops.setProperty("", "");
        mprops.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", "25");
        Session lSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(mprops, null);
        MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(lSession);
        msg.setText(msgtext, "utf-8", "html");
        def me = "";
        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(receiver_email, ";");
        ArrayList emailTos = new ArrayList();
           emailTos.add(new InternetAddress(tok.nextElement().toString()));
        InternetAddress[] to = new InternetAddress[emailTos.size()];
        to = (InternetAddress[]) emailTos.toArray(to);
        msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(me));
        //Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the envelope header.
        Transport transporter = lSession.getTransport("smtp");

validationChk = new PlanValidations();

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

VStrom DL650 - new pads and stainless steel brake lines

At my last safety inspection, I was told that the rear brake pads were getting a little thin and that I should consider replacing them soon.  The motor cycle is a 2006 and I had not changed the brake fluid or replaced the brake lines as of yet so this seemed like a good opportunity.

Here is the rear brake line - comes with the banjo bolts and copper washers and an installation DVD.

Here are the front brake lines.  I went for the 2 full line version instead of OEM.  A full line goes from the master cylinder to each front brake cylinder.  There is a double banjo for the master cylinder. No particular reason behind choosing the full 2 line kit - just want I found first.  I did buy the optional twin banjo with bleeder but have not installed it. 

Here are the new brake pads.  I went with upgraded front pads and OEM equivalent rear pads.  I did have some reasoning behind these which was driven by some advice on a VStrom related site.  Since the rear provides comparatively little brake power compared to the front brakes - I didn't want to promote locking up the rear so a normal set of pads was a logical choice.  I do feel that a bit more brake power at the front would be useful so I went with a minor upgrade but didn't want to get something which would wear through the rotors excessively fast.

Here is the left front line (and pads) installed.  Not much to look at but I feel a bit safer now that the old lines are gone.

Here is the rear line installed.

Here are the lines at the master cylinder.

This was my first motorcycle brake line replacement ever and first brake maintenance needed on this motorcycle.  I did take about 3 hours to replace all 6 pads and 3 brake lines + fluid.  Some of that was spent scrounging for tools and such.  I ended up using a couple hex wrenches (4 & 5mm I think), 3 or 4 socket sizes (broke a 14mm socket - not a quality item), flat blade screw driver, phillips screw driver, 1/4 clear tubing + tiny hose clamp (for bleeding brakes), a torque wrench - I have 2 but one really didn't seem to cut out when needed and I think I am fortunate nothing appears stripped out. 

Be careful routing the hoses. I did reuse some of the rubber grommet like things from the original hoses and existing hardware where possible.  I did use the piece supplied with the kit that attaches to the triple tree.  I faced that clamp piece towards the throttle - I didn't like the outcome when I tried going the other direction with it.